Built For Sophisticated, Professional Weighing
When laboratory work and research requires accuracy to the hundred-thousandth, there is simply no room for error. The Explorer series of semi-micro balances has been designed with the technology to ensure that your very specific weighing results are accurate. Sophisticated laboratories requiring accuracy and looking for innovative technology to obtain measurement results can find both in Explorer semi-micro balances.
Standard Features Include:
· Intelligent Performance for Applications Requiring Extreme Accuracy – The semi-micro Explorer series, which includes models with capacities up to 220 g and resolutions up to 0.01 mg, has been designed to use a High Speed Single Module weighing cell to ensure
the accuracy of results. To minimize weighing errors and ensure accurate measurements, AutoCal utilizes two internal weights to perform a linear calibration
· Intuitive Software Provides an Extremely Modern User Experience – Powered by SmarText 2.0 software, Explorer operates in the same manner as common electronics, with an icon-based touchscreen display, advanced applications, memory library, a USB host port,
and more
· Ingenious Construction Designed to Enhance Usability – Among Explorer’s features designed to improve user experience and ensure the integrity of results include touchless sensors, automatic draftshield doors, an ionizer, and more
Intelligent Performance for Applications Requiring Extreme Accuracy – Balances with capacities ranging from 52 g / 220 g and readabilities from 0.01 mg / 0.1 mg make up the Explorer series of semi-micro balances. In addition to superior craftsmanship and a High Speed Single Module weighing cell, various features are incorporated in to the product’s design to enhance performance
Intuitive Software Provides an Extremely Modern User Experience – Explorer semi-micro balances include many facets of modern technology to provide the best weighing experience possible. The icon-based navigation or tablet computer
Save to USB – A USB host port provides the capability of using a USB extension cable to directly transfer the data to a flash drive
Memory – The balance’s memory capabilities includes a library with space for up to 99 items, and a 10 recipe library for formulation mode
Multi-User – The user manager function provides profiles for one administrator and five additional users, allowing multiple users to utilize the same balance without compromising past results recorded on the balance
(On site demonstration is available for this product)
Applications: Weighing, Parts Counting, Percent Weighing, Checkweighing, Dynamic Weighing, Filling, Totalization, Formulation, Differential Weighing, Peak Hold, Density Determination, Pipette Adjustment, Statistical Quality Control
Interface: RS-232, USB Host, USB Device, GLP/GMP Data Collection
Weighing Units: g, kg, ct, gn, lb, oz , ozt, N, dwt, hkt, sgt, twt, mom, tical, msg, tola, Custom Unit 1, Custom Unit 2, Custom Unit 3
Power Supply: AC Adapter Input: 100 – 240 VAC 0.6 A 50/60 Hz, AC Adapter Output: 12 VDC 1.5 A
Approval: EC-type Approval
mpn: 30219002
Plate Size: 80mm ø
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