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Moisture Analysers

A moisture analyser is an electronic balance with a built-in heating chamber to dry the product. The before (wet) and after (dry) weights are then used to provide an accurate moisture percentage reading. Moisture analysers are suitable for determining moisture in many products including food products, grain, straw and hay, wood products, plastics & wastewater. A basic moisture analyser, such as the Ohaus MB25 is suitable for products with an expected moisture content of 5% to 95% with an accuracy requirement of +/- 0.1%. The A&D MS70 moisture analyser is our recommendation for moisture determination of plastics or similar materials with a very low moisture content because it is capable of accurately measuring the small weight change in the before and after weights

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    A moisture analyser is used to determine the moisture content of a sample. There are several types of moisture content (Mc) instruments but they typically use the loss on drying method. The difference in weight between the sample before and after drying illustrates how much water had been present. Moisture analysers therefore usually feature highly accurate scales.

    Capacities vary across our moisture analyser ranges between 30g to 90g. However, a typical range is between 50g. You can browse the entire range here.

    The readability of a Moisture Analyser when it comes to weight refers to the smallest increment or division they can accurately display. Moisture content is typically displayed as a percentage of mass such as 0.001%.

    Electronic or digital Moisture Analysers are typically accurate to a few milligrams. Built with precision, they can provide accurate results time after time. Ask our sales team about your requirements and we can ensure you get the best product.

    Calibration certificates are evidence that your moisture analysing equipment is providing accurate and precise measurements. They typically form part of a quality assurance procedure or program. Our staff can help with any questions you have regarding certifying our lifting equipment.

    Re-calibration periods will vary depending on how, where and why your moisture analyser is used. We do, however, normally recommend they are calibrated annually as a minimum. Speak to our team with any questions.

    Moisture analysers might need industry-specific approvals depending on their applications. Trade Approvals vary so it's worth contacting our sales team for advice if you are unsure.

    Power requirements vary across our range of moisture analysers. You can choose from models that operate with traditional batteries, internal rechargeable batteries or mains AC power. Contact our sales teams if you have any questions about installing or operating our equipment.

    We provide a broad range of moisture analysers with prices that vary from under £1,00 up to over £1,500 depending on their accuracy and operating features. Speak to our team about the right product for you.

    Our Moisture Analysers can typically be delivered to your premises within 3-7 days depending on the make and model. Contact our sales team for more information.

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